ACAA / IELTS Awards 2013 Winners: Dr Aihua Wang

University of New South Wales Alumna Dr Aihua Wang is the winner of the 2013 Australia China Alumni Award for Research and Innovation.

Dr Aihua Wang is the Vice President and General Manager for Research & Development of China Sunergy and is based in Nanjing. Dr Wang obtained a Doctor’s Degree of Electronic Engineering at the University of New South Wales and has a long career engaging in the R&D of high efficiency solar cells and technical experience in the photovoltaic energy industry. 

Dr Wang has published a number of articles related to the photovoltaic energy industry, and together with her husband, Dr Jianhua Zhao, the pair have worked in a remarkable husband and wife partnership advancing solar cell technologies in both Australia and China. 

While at UNSW, the husband-wife team led a research effort in setting and maintaining the world record for the most efficient solar cells. This record has remained unbroken for over 20 years.

Dr Wang and her husband spent nearly 15 years working and teaching at the University of New South Wales before returning to China in 2004 where they continued their successful partnership through their work at China Sunergy. Both have been instrumental in teaching a large number of UNSW students in the photovoltaic energy field and have established reputations in China and Australia as leaders in their research field.


Over the last six years, their work has contributed to a significant drop in prices in solar technologies which has made this clean energy technology more affordable – and available to millions of people around the world. In 2011, Sunergy produced and sold more than 35 megawatts of modules, enough to offset the production of around 70 coal fire power stations. 

Dr. Aihua Wang, along with her husband Dr Jianhua Zhao, who is also an alumnus of UNSW, have won numerous awards for their contributions to science, innovation, environment and social change, as well as their remarkable partnership and their ongoing contributions to solar and clean energy in China. 

To read about the other winners of this year’s ACAA / IELTS Australia China Alumni of the Year 

ABF media

Awards visit: ACAA IELTS 2013 Australia China Alumni of the Year: Mr Zili Shao  

ACAA Young Chinese Australia China Alumni of the Year Award: Ms Jingjing Xi 

ACAA Young Australian Australia China Alumni of the Year Award: Mr Timothy Coghlan  


Austrade Australia China Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship: Mr Kai Chen 

CPA Australia, Australia China Alumni Award for Banking and Finance: Mr Derek Chan 

ACAA Australia China Alumni Award for Corporate Achievement: Dr Weihua Sun  

Australia China Alumni Award for Women in Leadership: Julie Song 

Australia China Connections Magazine Australia China Alumni Award for ICT and New Media: Dr Peng Tao 




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