The Australian studies Centre at Beijing’s prestigious Peking University and the Foundation for Australian Studies in China is hosting a two-day conference Australia’s China-China’s Australia on September 21 and September 22, 2013 in Beijing.
The conference will look at past, present and future foundations for Australian studies in China. And will explore the major challenges in assessing the strengths, limitations and opportunities for closer engagement with China.
It will address the three key themes of; the nature of the strategic relationship with China, the purpose and politics of Asian engagement and what it might mean to be Asia/China literate.
From the 1980s (and earlier) Australians have been urged to shift their gaze from Britain and Europe to Asia. The recent government White Paper on Australia in the Asian Century reaffirms the need for Australians to recognise that the rise of Asia, and not least China, has already transformed the region.
Held in the immediate aftermath of the 2013 Australian federal election, the conference will provide an ideal opportunity to reflect on the history of engagement and its likely future.
The conference will be opened by Frances Adamson, the Australian Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China.
Conference organiser, Professor David Walker, the inaugural BHP Billiton Chair of Australian Studies at Peking University, will deliver a key note address.
Other speakers and panelists include The Australian newspaper’s Editor-at-large Paul Kelly, Hou Minyue, the deputy Director of Australian Studies Centre, East China Normal University, ANU’s Hugh White and renowned Australian journalist Geraldine Doogue. ■
*The Conference is open to all and attendance is free. However for catering purposes, those wishing to attend must RSVP to Hannah Skrzynski, conference organiser by email at: