AustCham Shanghai Chairman’s Column: Ever growing

Consistent membership growth, industry focus and deeper ties with Chinese Government representatives are the highlights of an ever-growing AustCham Shanghai, writes Chair David Keir.  

AustCham Shanghai’s 20 percent growth in members since last financial year has presented new opportunities for our Chamber to support our community.
As we welcome the new companies and individuals who have joined our network, we are applying resources and firmly focusing on delivering membership value including more business-to-business and government networking opportunities, market intelligence and corporate promotion.
We seek to continue to invest heavily in our Industry Committee program, and welcomed new Education and Manufacturing Committees in February. These Committees, led by voluntary Chairs and Steering Groups, provide scope for information sharing, presentations from high-level guest speakers and advocacy on key sector issues.
Sincere thanks to Shanghai Vice Mayor Tu Guangshou, who recently met with AustCham Joint Financial Services Working Group Shanghai Chair Andrew Whitford and Vice-Chair Michael Wadley to discuss the Group’s 2011 Issues Paper on the financial services sector in China. The Group, consisting of AustCham Shanghai and Beijing corporate members, meets monthly via videoconference to discuss various topics, and is currently working on its 2012 Paper aimed to be launched in May.
The introduction of AustCham Greater China presents greater opportunities for advocacy across the board, and we urge our members to contribute where their interests lie. Thanks to AustCham Shanghai members who, under the auspices of AustCham Greater China, made a submission to the Australian Government’s ‘Australia in the Asian Century’ Issues Paper, which will be launched in mid-2012.
As always, it has been fantastic to see our community out in force at social networking events. More than 250 members and friends packed out the Le Meridien She Shan ballroom to celebrate Australia Day, and our inaugural Aussie Drinks monthly event attracted 300 people. The Aussie Drinks venue is set to rotate each month to showcase fantastic venues around Shanghai, and we encourage all member friends, partners and colleagues to attend.
The strength of our Chamber lies in our members and those who voluntarily give their skills and experience in driving progress. A number of Board Director positions will be available at our Annual General Meeting in June, and I encourage nominations from corporate members to help shape the future of our Chamber. We look forward to a traditionally competitive field nominating for the two-year terms.
We are also looking forward to the launch of our ‘Mates Rates’ member-only discounts and offers program through quarterly mail-outs to members. ‘Mates Rates’ will provide great deals while showcasing the best of our members’ products and services. Please contact our Secretariat office if you are interested in involving your company.
The remainder of the Year of the Dragon and our community’s future has a bright outlook. We welcome you be increasingly involved.
Chairman, AustCham Shanghai 
*For AustCham Shanghai news, member contact details and upcoming events visit


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