Acclaimed Australian wine writer Jeremy Oliver celebrates his 25th year in the business with the first book purpose-written to educate the emerging Chinese market about wine and to encourage them to try Australian wine first. Published in simplified Chinese, Enjoying Wine with Jeremy is a handsomely illustrated and informally written book packed with information about the enjoyment of wine before presenting tasting notes, labels and ratings of 290 Australian wines currently available in the Chinese market.
Enjoying Wine with Jeremy covers:
• What wine is, where it is grown and what from.
• How wine is made, matured and tasted.
• How to cellar wine, how to open it, pour it and serve it.
• Answers to dozens of the most common wine-related questions
• How to match Australian wine with different Chinese cuisines.
• A complimentary simplified Chinese edition of the Australia: World Class DVD developed by the Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation that features interactive educational material, industry information and video.
‘It’s my hope that Australia can take the educational space in China’, says Oliver, respected author of the best-selling Australian Wine Annual. ‘Australians are natural communicators who are used to presenting the facts rather than the fluff. I want to help make Australia the country to which Asian markets turn for genuine information and knowledge about wine. With knowledge comes pleasure, which is what Australian wine is all about.’
‘I have written the book for young Chinese people who are just discovering wine for the first time’, he says. ‘These will be the major wine drinkers in China in five years time and they are discovering the pleasure of wine with a truly open mind.’ Enjoying Wine with Jeremy is eagerly anticipated by the many Australian wine producers who have identified China as a major export market into the future. Chinese wine drinkers have never had access to this level of information on Australian wine before.
Australia’s leading ambassador for wine in the Asian region, Oliver is shortly to depart on a publicity tour from April 15-24 that will include Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and Hong Kong in conjunction with his distributor to the wine, hospitality and wine educational sectors, ASC Fine Wines, China’s largest wine importer.
Enjoying Wine with Jeremy is published by Trends Books Co. Ltd., whose affiliated magazine division publishes FOOD&WINE, China’s most successful food and wine publication. It will retail throughout China for 46 RMB per copy.
For interviews or further information, please contact
Jeremy Oliver: Tel: +61 3 9830 5077
杰里米·奥利弗(Jeremy Oliver)出版首本中文葡萄酒书籍
澳大利亚顶级葡萄酒评论家杰里米·奥利弗(Jeremy Oliver)先生即将向中国市场推出首本中文葡萄酒教育性书籍。此书专门为中国读者量身打造,鼓励大家尝试澳大利亚葡萄酒。《和杰里米一起乐享葡萄酒》设计精美,图文并茂,讲述了如何享受葡萄酒,并且品鉴了250款在中国市场有售澳大利亚佳酿(包括品尝要点、酒标和评分)。
• 什么是葡萄酒,葡萄种植地区、葡萄品种;
• 葡萄酒酿造、成熟和品尝;
• 葡萄酒贮存与侍酒;
• 葡萄酒最常见问题的解答;
• 如何搭配澳大利亚佳酿与中国各地美食;
• 并且随附由澳大利亚葡萄酒和白兰地管理局(AWBC)制作的中文”澳大利亚:世界一流”DVD,包括葡萄酒知识、行业信息以及录像。
“澳大利亚能够在中国占领葡萄酒教育的一席之地是我的愿望”, 奥利弗说,”澳大利亚人天生是自然的交流者,习惯于直率地表达实物的本质,而不追求注重表面夸夸其谈。我希望能帮助澳大利亚在亚洲市场传递葡萄酒本身的知识与信息。当这些知识变成了乐趣,那么这也就是澳大利亚葡萄酒的精髓所在。”
“我特地为年轻的中国读者撰写此书,想为那些刚刚开始开启葡萄酒大门的朋友们带来一臂之力”,他说,”在未来的五年他们将成为中国葡萄酒市场的消费主力,而他们也正以敞开的心扉探索葡萄酒的乐趣与魅力。” 《和杰里米一起乐享葡萄酒》也如众多澳大利亚葡萄酒酿造商所预期的,中国将是葡萄酒的主要出口市场。
杰里米·奥利弗先生:电话:+61 3 9830 5077
时尚博闻图书, 潘阳: 电话010 65871914 ; 电邮:
圣皮尔精品酒业, 高马克: 电话: 021 64453214; 电邮: