Australia’s relationship with China is maturing and evolving – it is maturing to become a fundamentally two-way, reciprocal and dynamic partnership, and it is evolving to become the most important bilateral relationship to Australia’s national interest in the 21st century writes ACBC Chairman Frank Tudor.
In his recent address to the Australia China Business Council, Vice-Premier Li Keqiang, one of the principal architects of China’s economic stimulus and macroeconomic management, declared that ‘emphasis should be given to the bilateral relationship as a whole and in the long-term, improving the friendly cooperation between our two countries’. Both governments should be applauded in their recent efforts to take the long-term strategic view in relation to effective bilateral engagement.
The Australia China Business Council has long been calling for the institutionalisation of a one and a half track strategic dialogue to fuse the sound political engagement between Beijing and Canberra with the deepening commercial ties between Chinese and Australian business communities. We were delighted that this was a central theme of Foreign Minister Stephen Smith’s speech to the ANU China Institute in late October where he expressed the Commonwealth’s intention to canvass options with a range of stakeholders such as the Australia China Business Council.
We welcome the Minister’s suggestion and will be proactively engaging the Commonwealth and continuing to develop the initiative with key partners in China. It has been a busy Year of the Ox for the Council and we have delivered on a number of key national initiatives including:
• Annual Canberra Networking Day at Federal Parliament with a Reception at the Chinese Embassy hosted by the Chinese Ambassador and a series of associated events.
• Launch of two comprehensive reports into the benefits to Australian households of trade with China and economic modelling into an Australia-China trade and investment agreement. • A major Council delegation to the Bo’ao Forum for Asia.
• The appointment of Paul Glasson as the Council’s Chief Representative in China.
• Signed Memorandums of Understanding with the Shandong and Guangdong governments aimed at increasing strategic dialogue, exchange and cooperation.
• The Australia China Investment Forum – a major summit that heard from key figures from across government and industry including the General Manager of the Foreign Investment Review Board Patrick Colmer, Chinese Ambassador Zhang Junsai and former prime minister Bob Hawke.
• A luncheon with Chinese Vice-Premier Li Keqiang – the only public speaking commitment delivered during his three-day visit to Australia.
The Year of the Tiger is set to shape up as an equally busy year. The Council was privileged to sign a comprehensive cooperative agreement with the DFAT World Expo Unit and will be hosting a range of targeted events at the Australian pavilion at Shanghai World Expo 2010.
We are also hoping to lead a trade delegation and promote the Australian economy in key areas around Shanghai including Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces.
Moreover, we are looking at furthering our participation at the Bo’ao Forum, producing two China Orations in Sydney and Melbourne, increasing our profile in Canberra through another Networking Day, and delivering at least two major policy forums and commissioning further research on bilateral trade and investment. ■
For more information about the work of the Australia China Business Council, please visit our website at
or call the National Secretariat on T: +61 2 9252 4277.
The Australia China Business Council held its Annual General Meeting on November 23, 2009 in Adelaide. The Office Bearers and Board Directors elected by acclamation are as follows:
Chairman of the Board and National President
Frank Tudor – Horizon Power
Immediate Past Chairman
Kevin Hobgood-Brown – Sino Gold
Senior Vice-President
Ian McCubbin – Deacons Lawyers
David Powell – Powell & Co
Vice President
Maree Arnason – Arnason Consulting Pty Ltd
Chief Representative in China
Paul Glasson – Satori Investments
National Treasurer
Hong Shao – Ernst & Young
Company Secretary – Laurie Pearcey –
Australia China Business Council
Director (Non-Branch)
Jennie Lang – University of New South Wales
Director (Non-Branch)
Kieran Lane – KPMG
Director (Non-Branch)
Andrew Low – Macquarie Bank
Director (Non-Branch)
Tim Goldsmith – PricewaterhouseCoopers
Director (Non-Branch)
Derek Baines – Qantas Airways
NSW Branch Representative
Jim Harrowell AM – Hunt & Hunt Lawyers
NSW Branch Representative
Vivienne Bath – University of Sydney
NT Branch Representative
Jennifer Xi – Randstad Pty Ltd
NT Branch Representative
Daryl Guppy –
Qld Branch Representative
Stephen Abbott – KPMG
Qld Branch Representative – Stephanie Daly –
Middle Kingdom Australia Pty Ltd
SA Branch Representative
Sean Keenihan – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
SA Branch Representative
Geoff Upton – Trade Focus International
VIC Branch Representative
Jason Chang – KPMG
VIC Branch Representative
Ben Foskett – Pathway Services Pty Ltd
WA Branch Representative
Duncan Calder – KPMG
WA Branch Representative
Linda Liu Bearne – China Australia Investments Pty Ltd