Australia’s foremost Internet site for Australia/China business opportunities and information.
Australia China Connections publication and e-business website is devoted exclusively to Australia China trade and business issues.
Australia China Connections e-business platform provides a wide range of news, information and business opportunities for business operating between the two countries.
Australia China Connections online site is produced in conjunction with the bi-monthly publication to provide essential insight into the changing relationship between Australia and China and the implications for businesses operating between the two countries.
Regular up-to-the minute news from Australia, China and Hong Kong to keep visitors fully up-dated on issues and events impacting the business and political relationships between Australia and China.
An opportunity for companies and business groups to provide insightful commentary on relevant regulatory, financial and on-the-ground issues. A list of the most read blogs also appears on this page.
The Magazine
Key articles from the most recent issue appear on the website’s home page. All previous issues can be found on the website using the archive tool. A list of ‘most read articles’also appears on this page.
All editorial content is search engine optimised to be highly visible on Google and Yahoo.