
Australia’s foremost Internet site for Australia/China business opportunities and information.

Australia China Connections publication and e-business website is devoted exclusively to Australia China trade and business issues.

Australia China Connections e-business platform provides a wide range of news, information and business  opportunities for business operating between the two countries.

Australia China Connections online site is produced in  conjunction with the bi-monthly publication to provide essential insight into the changing relationship between Australia and China and the implications for businesses operating between the two countries.


newspaper_3Regular up-to-the minute news from Australia, China and Hong Kong to keep visitors fully up-dated on issues and events impacting the business and political relationships between Australia and China.


blog_iconAn opportunity for companies and business groups to provide insightful commentary on relevant regulatory, financial and on-the-ground issues. A list of the most read blogs also appears on this page.

The Magazine

acc_coverKey articles from the most recent issue appear on the website’s home page. All previous issues can be found on the website using the archive tool. A list of ‘most read articles’also appears on this page.

All editorial content is search engine optimised to be highly visible on Google and Yahoo.

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