Travel: Hong Kong Havens
Whether it’s for business or pleasure, a trip to Hong Kong leaves a lasting impression. Australian expatriates share the highlights of their City with Sophie Loras.
Whether it’s for business or pleasure, a trip to Hong Kong leaves a lasting impression. Australian expatriates share the highlights of their City with Sophie Loras.
The first round of successful applicants of the inaugural Hamer Scholarships have been announced. Eleven Hamer Scholarship recipients will travel to Jiangsu Province, Victoria’s sister state to further their Chinese language skills in September 2012.
2010年10月28日中华人民共和国颁布了一项新的社会保险法案(social insurance laws),其中规定外籍员工个人及其雇佣企业机构均需缴纳社会保险金。这些社保金是中华人民共和国法定承认的保险,其中包括:养老、医疗、工伤、失业及生育保险。
欧文•卡特尔(Owen Caterer)解析2012年澳大利亚财政预算案及其对常驻中国的澳籍人士的影响。
ABF Events (ABF) is a premier business platform dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals in the Small & Medium Enterprise (SME) sector seeking to start, expand or transition their business domestically or across the Asian markets.
ABF Events (ABF) is a premier business platform dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals in the Small & Medium Enterprise (SME) sector seeking to start, expand or transition their business domestically or across the Asian markets.
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